I would like to study the genetic distance among some cultivars, for that I have used SSRs with post label technique. How can I do cluster analysis and I am wondering if there is a free software! Thank you
Yes there are several free software to do this. You can use TASSEL software to convert your SSR data to newick file using cladogram function (NJ or UPGMA) and then use MEGA or TreeDyn or Drawgram to get your phylogenetic tree.
apart from using distance based methods (or additionally) you could also go with a Bayesian approach (using "structure" software, for instance: http://pritchardlab.stanford.edu/structure.html).
Hi, Darwin, PowerMarker, NTSYS, MEGA works well. Popgene works well for cluster analysis with defined populations. Most softwares will accept the binary SSR data. If the output is from GeneMapper the Allele correction can be done with Allelobin.
If you are working with diploid species, you can use GenAlex to set up your Matrix and export it in MEGA for cluster analysis. For bootstrapping, Winboot is easy.
if you are working on diploid or haploid species there are several software that can be use for marker analysis . First you make a excel file containing your molecular data point as mentioned in attached file. As we know SSR is co-dominant marker i recommend you to do analysis of your data according to molecular weight but not no presence or absence of bands for SSR we have to considered about null allele also. convert excel file into .text file and used a free software i.e. "convert" for converting your data into any software as mentioned in software itself and analyzed.
I have these data and I would like to use the GENELAX.. Here there is no two alleles. Just one band and one size... For instance the first primer... gives many bands for all lines... so I dealt with by using 1 and 0.. please see the file. Do you agree? I used this for STRUCTURE AND i need to use the same data for Genlax to estimate amove...
There are many software's and depends on what research question you are trying to answer.The commonly used include but are not limited to: Allelobin, PowerMarker,POPGEN,DARWIN,GenAlEx,Structure,TFPGA etc.All the best