Dear All
I use this method to prepare WO3/TiO2 composite:
TiO2nanocompositesMesoporous WO3–TiO2nanocomposites were pre-pared via sol-gel process in the presence of F127 triblockcopolymer as structure directing agent. Molar ratiosTiO2/F127/C2H5OH/HCl/CH3COOH = 1: 0.02:50:2.25:3.75 wereemployed to synthesize the desired materials. Typically, 1.6 g ofF127 was dissolved in 30 mL of ethanol with strring for 60 min,and then 2.3 mL of CH3COOH, 0.74 mL of HCl and 3.5 mL of TBOTwere added to F127 solution under magentic strring for 30 min[9,40]. The calculated amount of H2WO4, as a precursor of WO3,was added to (F127-TBOT-CH3COOH) mesophase with vigorouslystirring for 60 min to obtain 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 5 wt% WO3–TiO2nanocomposites.
I found that after adding tungstic acid and stirring for 2 hrs., it still not dissolved. Please, how can i dissolve it using this method.