I am trying to dissolve PbCl2 (99.999%) and MAI in DMF solvent, I left the solution overnight at 70 deg C and used magnetic bars for stirring. I believe that PbCl2 doesn't fully dissolve in DMF and it gives me yellowish murky solution.

I tried a bunch of things suggested elsewhere on RG:

1) To increase the hot plate temperature and play around with stir-plate rpm.

2) Pulverize the PbCl2 crystals.

3) Dissolve both PbCl2 and MAI separately in DMF.

4) Change the concentrations.

All the above trials would still end up giving the same murky solution. Although the device parameters and PCE is very decent, I am still interested in obtaining a clear solution.

Quite interestingly, the people at Alfa Aesar are not fully convinced that PbCl2 would dissolve in DMF. We shared some papers (Snaith's group) with them and they are still not convinced. But they hinted that changing the solvent (Dimethyl sulfoxide) might solve the problem.

Any suggestions to obtaining the clear solution is much appreciated. Thanks!

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