i have worked on small program on VHDL but have problem in designing 64 bit pipeline FFT processor in VHDL. Can anybody give me help on this design as coding?
There is no need in the design of the application-specific processors in VHDL (as I understand, you need 64 point 64 bit pipeline FFT processor), as it can be purchased. In particular, it can be generated by the FFT processors generator (see for example http://www.intron-innovations.com/datasheets/1_IP_Cores/4_Fast_Orthogonal/fft_datasheet.pdf) or by the C2HDL design tool which in short time generates automatically the application-specific processors in VHDL (see for example Intron’s C2HDL Chameleon design tool that provides FFT processor synthesis from the algorithm described on ANSI C language - http://www.intron-innovations.com/?p=sld_chame).