I am trying to decide a cut-off value (probably equally to "change-point") in an ELISA assay, using R package. To make our assay convinient, I do not set either negatve or positive control in every plate.
A reference paper (doi: 10.1590/0074-02760160119) indicates a package saying "the Pruned Exact Linear Time (PELT) algorithm was selected (Killick et al. 2012) with the CUSUM method as detection option (Page 1954). The PELT algorithm can therefore rapidly detect various change-points in a series. The CUSUM method
is based on cumulative sums and operates as follow: The absorbance values x are ordered in ascending values (x1,…xn) and sums (S) are computed sequentially as S0 = 0, Si+1 = max (0, Si + xi - Li), where Li is the likelihood function. When the value of S exceeds a threshold, a change-point has been detected."
I am not sure how to create such a code and could not find a package on the Internat. If someone knows or experienced the decision of "change-point" using R, please tell me hot to do that.
Thank you.