It is not clearly mentioned as to consider the peak value or the range in most internet sources. In my case peak becomes 1 and range is 2. What should I go with?
Im not expert at this field, but what about change image [-1, 1] -> [0, 2] and there will be no problem:D
More seriously, PSNR formula is 10log(MAX^2 / MSE). So in standard case PSNR = 0 if MAX = 255 and MSE =255^2 then log(1) = 0. Analogously, your maximal MSE can be 4 (one pixel is 1, in the next image -1). The max should be 2. then 2^2/4 = 1 is hold.
Result is: for image from range [-1, 1], the max in psnr formula has to be 2.
In my opinion PSNR uses the maximum power that the signal can reach. In your case, as the pixel values ranges between -1 to 1, the maximum power is 22. The expression for PSNR is 10*log10(22/sigma2), where sigma stands for the standard deviation of noise.