What are the tools (beside ChemCAD) available for simulation of biomass gasification process? Input variables - fuel chemical composition, equivalence ratio. Output - syngas composition, energy&mass balance.
You can use Aspen plus, the Gibbs reactor. You can define biomass as a non-conventional solid. You'll need ultimate, proximate, and ash analysis for this (before using non-conventional solid you need to add a RYield reactor to break down the biomass to it elemental analysis and link the extracted heat from RYield to RGibbs). To match the simulation results with any experimental data you may have you need to limit some of the reactions in Gibbs reactor or alternatively add a stoichiometric reactor to reverse some selected reactions.
Different kinds of tools are relevant for this question. In particular, the choose depends on the type of gasification (high temperature or not for instance) and the features of the biomass (bio-oil, char, raw biomass with specific granulometry,...) but also on the goal of the simulation (design, academic research,...).
Several models of gasification implemented within different tools have been developped. Often, kinetic models are coupled with a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics such as Fluent, Comsol,...) tools in order to take into account the specificities of the biomass to be considered and the specificities of the reactor.
A thermodynamic approach can be used under specific conditions. In this case, Factsage for instance can be interesting.
Can you please let me know if we need to input sulfate analysis apart from ultimate and proximate analysis for inputting biomass. How to get sulfate analysis for biomass. is there any options
Is it OK if i use ultimate analysis of wood to represent it as combustion solid in Chemcad?
Secondly about reactor selection how can i get reaction kinetics parameters for wood conversion to liquid fuel? Although i am using Gibbs reactor which does not require such kinetics parameters but i am not satisfied with results.
You can do the proximate analysis of solid waste as a sample from your source. The go with Aspen Plus giving proximate and ultimate analysis. If there is sulphur content then you should go for sulphate analysis as well.
Hello I’m interested in to use the model described in "Simulation of biomass gasification in fluidized bed reactor using ASPEN PLUS" but I don’t have details about ASPEN parameters, calculators, etc. Somebody can help me?
I am working on the same subject, this is area of my research work. I am sending you two research papers related to this which is helpful to you. The simple methods is to calculate the equation by applying the mass balance equations and using the book of Morn and Shapiro Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. i am not using any software calculate all the equations manually. i further any assessment required i help you. My email id mparvezalig@rediffmail.com