You can also use Process Diffraction program (free, but you have to add citation to your article when you use it) to get from SAED 1D graph of intensity compare to diffraction angle. That you can direct compare with XRD pattern from Powder Diffraction File (PDF) database, if you have it (XRD people in your institution sure use it). It is possible even inside Process Diffraction, if you have PDF database files. You can download Process Diffraction here:
Use ITEM software to calculate the fringe spacing (so called as d spacing of the planes). Then use the SAED pattern to measure the length of reciprocal lattice vector g and angle between observed reflections. After that calculate d and find the corresponding (h,k,l) values.
If you are capable to buy some SW, for indexation of monocrystall diffraction we use JEMS package from Dr. Shadelmann together with ICSD (structural) database. With help of Digital Micrograph or another SW you can get d and angles and you be able to index some patterns manually, but more complex materials is more comfortable to solve in JEMS. If structure of examining material is known, you can export structural information (positions of atoms in crystall cell) from ICSD to JEMS and simulate diffraction patterns in different directions (zone axes) and index your measured diffraction patterns there. JEMS you can buy, ICSD database you can only rent for some time.
Thank you very much to all of you for providing good suggestion and very healthy information , also thanks to Praveen kumar sir , i am specially looking for this as you given the information thanks sir .
You may be interested in CrysTBox software (the link below). It can automatically determine the zone axis and assert plane indices to the depicted spots, among other things. It can process variety of images - SAED, CBED, nanodiffraction or HRTEM. There is also a tool for ring diffraction patterns. I hope it helps although the answer is a bit delayed.