i want to calculate inter-hydrogen bonding between antigen and antibody using pymol. how i can calculate it and how i can get the hydrogen bonding log file?is there any way to get pymol log file about inter-hydrogen bonding?
yeah i tried 1st one but it really difficult for me to visualize and check the hydrogen bonding between the interface residues . is there any possible way to get log file of that hydrogen bonding.
This series of commands will display the H-bonds, of course you can change the cut-off to a more stringent value, and need to adjust the selection to the chain labels of antibody and antigen
select water, resn HOH
select antibody, chain A and not water
select antigen, chain B and not water
select don, (elem n+o and (neighbor hydro)) and not water
select acc, (elem o or (elem n and not (neighbor hydro))) and not water
dist HBA, (antigen and acc), (antibody and don), 3.2
dist HBD, (antigen and don), (antibody and acc), 3.2
It will generate some false-positives, because it does not look for correct angles
This will list out the atoms involved in these hydrogen bonds:
select sele, (((acc and antibody) within 3.2 of (don and antigen)) or ((acc and antigen) within 3.2 of (don and antibody)))