05 September 2014 25 4K Report

In many papers [1,2,3] the Gibbs free energy change of adsorption ∆G was calculated by eq (1)

∆G = –RT ln Kc (1)

Where :

R: gas constant (8.314 J mol−1 K−1),

T : temperature (K),

Kc : the equilibrium constant (Kc = qe/Ce)

Mathematically so that Equation 1 is homogeneous in terms of units, the unit of ∆G is (J.mol−1) so The unit of the term RT is (J.mol-1) and Kc must be dimensionless.

But in reality (Kc =qe/Ce), where:

qe: adsorption capacity at equilibrium (mol/g or mg/g)

Ce : adsorbate concentration of at equilibrium (mg/l or mol/l)

Which means that the real unit of Kc is (l.mol-1 or l.g-1), and equation 1 is not homogeneous in terms of units.

[1] Romero-Gonzalez, J., Peralta-Videa, J. R., Rodrıguez, E., Ramirez, S. L., & Gardea-Torresdey, J. L. (2005). Determination of thermodynamic parameters of Cr (VI) adsorption from aqueous solution onto< i> Agave lechuguilla biomass. The Journal of chemical thermodynamics, 37(4), 343-347.

[2] Pigatto, G., Lodi, A., Finocchio, E., Palma, M. S., & Converti, A. (2013). Chitin as biosorbent for phenol removal from aqueous solution: Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 70, 131-139.

[3] Foo, K. Y., & Hameed, B. H. (2012). Adsorption characteristics of industrial solid waste derived activated carbon prepared by microwave heating for methylene blue. Fuel processing technology, 99, 103-109.

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