I have rough surfaces as seen in image. This image belongs to aluminum induced textured glass surface. I want to know how can I calculate average crater size in this image.
Why not using some image processing software like ImageJ or Gwyddion for direct measuring the crater sizes and corresponding scale bar in the AFM image?
There is a difference which should be considered. The differance is that in nanoparticle calculation, your surface is flat and you can adjust a zero level so that above it can be defined as 1 and blow is zero. The problem in my case is that evry crater have different level. When I decide a zero level, I am loosing my structure in Image J. I have tried writing a code with LabVIEW but it become too complicated and have encountered importing image issues. Here another example of AFM here.
Magic Wand for stereological measurements does not exist. If I were You firs I would like to try FLAT option or/and PLANE FIT functions. After that it could be better visible where is 'grain boundary'. Next step is export. If You will export from AFM software you will obtain picture with native resolution - same when scanning. It not so good, and for that purpose i propose to use WSXM or other free AFM/SPM soft to enlarge image to almost full screen. Press PrintScrin key and import clipboard to any raster program. After cutting it it will be raedy for manipulation. I using freeware ArtWeaver (not latest version) to get another layer and reproduce boundaries on it. After background removing you will have clear picture for size analysis.
Of course, maybe 'grain analyser' in your AFM/SPM software may do all work much more faster and better - dont know it.
I forgot to mention about special and unique WSxM option/filter: 'display contour plot' which help to make contour at different adjustable heights - letter C and C? in the menu tab.