I did 150uL samples (extracted from 2g dry weight in 40ml methanol) to 2850uL ABTS solution and my standard curve is Trolox. How should I calculate the antioxidants activity in term of mg TE/g of my samples?need help ASAP. Thanks
thank you for your answer. But I don't know the step by step calculation for expressing % inhibition to mg TE/g. As I know %inhibition=[(AbsABTS-Abssample)/AbsABTS]*100%..but I dont know how to express the answer in term of mg TE/g. Hope you can explain more. Thank you.
@Jane, You can apply same formula for the calculate Percentage Inhibition and based on that, You can derive IC50 Values of DPPH, ABTS, Superoxide and also in Hydroxyl radical.
Dear Jane & Zhan, I agree with most answers. You have already calculated %INH. Good Job. Now you have two simple methods. Both assumes that %INH is proportional to concentration of test-compound (C) µg/ml.
%INH = m [C]
1] Graphical method. Draw a graph Y-axis (%INH) versus C (x-axis) and fit trend-line and find gradient (m). Next calculate IC50 from relation,
[IC50] = 50/ m
2] Simple method. Measure %INH at two concentrations C1 and C2. Use simple calculator and determine
m = [%INh1-%INH2] /(C1-C2)
and once again,
[IC50] = 50/ m
Also C is the concentration in the actual assay misture. 1st method has advantage because you can see when graph is linear, i.e. if %INH is really proportional to C.