HI All,

I'm fairly in new with R, so any help is much appreciated. I'm in the process of making a heatmap using the pheatmap function. I'm adding a column color bar so that I can associate specific data in the header with specific colors in the color bar. So for example I want anything that contains the number 1 in the header of my entire data set to be labeled as Male and have a specific color associated with it in the column color bar.

I'm using the following code as an example to try to do this:


# dummy data

dummymat = matrix(rnorm(100), 10, 10)

colnames(dummymat) = paste("Patient", 1:10, sep = "")

rownames(dummymat) = paste("Gene", 1:10, sep = "")

# create a data frame with the patients categories


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