07 July 2019 3 7K Report

For my 10 ns MD simulations for my protein-ligand complexes, I first created .prmtop topology and .inpcrd coordinate files in tleap with a 12 A water box (using the solvateoct command) and added ions to neutralize the complex. Then using pmemd, I ran minimization, heating, and equilibration steps similar to some of the online Amber tutorials I found before I did 10 ns of production and created .rst files and .mdcrd files. But I noticed that for some of my complexes, the RMSD didn't converge completely after 10 ns because there were very sharp sudden peaks in my RMSD graphs that I created with cpptraj. I've attached a few images of my RMSD graphs here to show the difference. I've been looking through Amber tutorials and the manual for months, but am still having issues with knowing the right settings for my MD simulation, so any advice for a beginner would be much appreciated!

Here are the settings that I used for my input files:


&cntrl imin=1, ntx=1, ntmin=1, maxcyc=50000, ncyc=10000, ntpr=100, ntf=1, ntc=1, ntb=1, cut=10.0 &end


&cntrl imin=0, irest=0, ntx=1, ntb=1, cut=10, ntr=1, ntc=2, ntf=2, tempi=0.0, temp0=300.0, ioutfm=1, iwrap=1, ntt=3, gamma_ln=2.0, nstlim=50000, dt=0.002, ntpr=1250, ntwx=1250, ntwr=2500 / Keep protein fixed with weak restraints 100.0 RES 1 208 / END END


&cntrl imin=0, irest=1, ntx=5, ntb=2, ntp=1, pres0=1.0, taup=2.0, cut=10, ntr=0, ntc=2, ntf=2, tempi=300.0, temp0=300.0, ntt=3, ioutfm=1, iwrap=1, gamma_ln=2.0, nstlim=50000, dt=0.002, ntpr=1250, ntwx=1250, ntwr=2500, / Keep protein fixed with weak restraints 100.0 RES 1 208 /  &end


NPT production &cntrl imin=0, ntx=5, irest=1, ntpr=1250, ntwr=2500, ntwx=1250, ntf=2, ntc=2, ntb=2, ioutfm=1, iwrap=1, cut=10.0, nstlim=500000, dt=0.002, temp0=300, ntt=3, gamma_ln=2.0, ntp=1, pres0=1.0, taup=2.0, / Keep protein fixed with weak restraints 5.0 RES 1 208 /  &end

Here are the commands that I used to run the simulation:

pmemd.MPI -O -i min.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c complex12solvated.inpcrd -o min12.out -r min12.rst -x min12.mdcrd -inf min12.mdinfo -l min12.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i heat.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c min12.rst -o heat12.out -r heat12.rst -ref min12.rst -x heat12.mdcrd -inf heat12.mdinfo -l heat12.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i equil.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c heat12.rst -o equil12.out -r equil12.rst -ref heat12.rst -x equil12.mdcrd -inf equil12.mdinfo -l equil12.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i prod.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c equil12.rst -o prod12.out -r prod12.rst -ref equil12.rst -x prod12.mdcrd -inf prod12.mdinfo -l prod12.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i prod.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c prod12.rst -o prod12-extend2ns.out -r prod12-extend2ns.rst -ref prod12.rst -x prod12-extend2ns.mdcrd -inf prod12-extend2ns.mdinfo -l prod12-extend2ns.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i prod.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c prod12-extend2ns.rst -o prod12-extend3ns.out -r prod12-extend3ns.rst -ref prod12-extend2ns.rst -x prod12-extend3ns.mdcrd -inf prod12-extend3ns.mdinfo -l prod12-extend3ns.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i prod.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c prod12-extend3ns.rst -o prod12-extend4ns.out -r prod12-extend4ns.rst -ref prod12-extend3ns.rst -x prod12-extend4ns.mdcrd -inf prod12-extend4ns.mdinfo -l prod12-extend4ns.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i prod.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c prod12-extend4ns.rst -o prod12-extend5ns.out -r prod12-extend5ns.rst -ref prod12-extend4ns.rst -x prod12-extend5ns.mdcrd -inf prod12-extend5ns.mdinfo -l prod12-extend5ns.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i prod.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c prod12-extend5ns.rst -o prod12-extend6ns.out -r prod12-extend6ns.rst -ref prod12-extend5ns.rst -x prod12-extend6ns.mdcrd -inf prod12-extend6ns.mdinfo -l prod12-extend6ns.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i prod.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c prod12-extend6ns.rst -o prod12-extend7ns.out -r prod12-extend7ns.rst -ref prod12-extend6ns.rst -x prod12-extend7ns.mdcrd -inf prod12-extend7ns.mdinfo -l prod12-extend7ns.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i prod.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c prod12-extend7ns.rst -o prod12-extend8ns.out -r prod12-extend8ns.rst -ref prod12-extend7ns.rst -x prod12-extend8ns.mdcrd -inf prod12-extend8ns.mdinfo -l prod12-extend8ns.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i prod.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c prod12-extend8ns.rst -o prod12-extend9ns.out -r prod12-extend9ns.rst -ref prod12-extend8ns.rst -x prod12-extend9ns.mdcrd -inf prod12-extend9ns.mdinfo -l prod12-extend9ns.logfile

pmemd.MPI -O -i prod.in -p complex12solvated.prmtop -c prod12-extend9ns.rst -o prod12-extend10ns.out -r prod12-extend10ns.rst -ref prod12-extend9ns.rst -x prod12-extend10ns.mdcrd -inf prod12-extend10ns.mdinfo -l prod12-extend10ns.logfile

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