The goals of using artificial intelligence enablers in science and scholarly research may be threefold: (i) aiding (doing research activities, which were previously done by human investigators using conventional software tools, by AI means - e.g., literature survey), (ii) motivation (posing nove research questions, conjectures, and hypothesis as practiced by humans working in teams - e.g., extrapolating from the outcomes of completed projects, and (iii) discovery (finding, describing, and explaining unknowns by AI means - e.g., heuristic speculation). When these three are there together and in symbiosis, some say we can talk about Mode 3 science.
Mode 1 and Mode 2 science can be and have been described (characterized) in terms of seven features/aspects/properties, namely: (i) involved stakeholders and their interests, (ii) drivers and objects of the investigations, (iii) epistemological and methodological mechanisms of knowledge creation, (iv) involvement of academic disciplines, (v) schemes of funding and deployment, (vi) principles of quality control and social norms, and (vii) forms of dissemination of knowledge. Supposing that these can also be applied to Mode 3 science, what do they mean in the context of Mode 3 science and research? Please disclose your view and interpretation.