Hi all,

I have opportunity to work with Anton Paar MCR 302 rheometer with double gap system. I would like to measure low viscosity fluid between 1mPa.s to 1000mPa.s in the range of the shear rates between 0.01 to 1000 [1/s]. I tried it with the Newtonian fluid and known viscosity value, however the device failed to measure correct values. It shows me like 10-100 times above the correct one for the shear rates below 50-100 [1/s]. I understand the limitation of the device such as velocity and torque needed to archived this shear rates and viscosity. However, it shows me the measured torque around 100nNm where it can go down to 0.1nNm. Company presented data showing to measure correct viscosity around torque 1nNm. It means that I should have it as well. I have already passed through all calibration process. Any clues or suggestions how I can do it correctly?

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