How are living organisms important for improving soil fertility and how soil microorganisms facilitate the circulation of nutrients essential for plant and crop growth?
@ RK, living organisms are important for improving soil fertility as they control the flux of nutrients to plants (i.e., control of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles), promote nitrogen fixation, and promote soil detoxification of inorganic and naturally occurring organic pollutants. Microorganisms are responsible for the degradation of organic matter, which controls the release of plant nutrients. Soil microbial metabolism boosts plant nutrition by converting recalcitrant forms of N, P, and S to forms that are more bioavailable for plant uptake. The microbes use organic carbon as their energy source to drive the recycling process.
Microorganisms are essential to soil formation and soil ecology because they control the flux of nutrients to plants promote nitrogen fixation, and promote soil detoxification of inorganic and naturally occurring organic pollutants. Soil bacteria form micro aggregates in the soil by binding soil particles together with their secretions. These micro aggregates are like the building blocks for improving soil structure. Improved soil structure increases water infiltration and increases water holding capacity of the soil. Mycorrhizae are the symbiotic fungi that reside in roots of higher plants and increase soil fertility by nitrogen fixation. Rhizobium is an example of a symbiotic bacterium that attaches to the roots of leguminous plants and it increases soil fertility by converting atmospheric nitrogen into organic compounds. To access these nutrients, plants are dependent on the growth of soil microbes such as bacteria and fungi, which possess the metabolic machinery to depolymerize and mineralize organic forms of N, P, and S. Both plants and microorganisms obtain their nutrients from soil and change soil properties by organic litter deposition and metabolic activities, respectively. Microorganisms have a range of direct effects on plants through, e.g., manipulation of hormone signaling and protection against pathogens. Microorganisms are responsible for the degradation of organic matter, which controls the release of plant nutrients, but is also important for the maintenance of soil structure and sustainability of soil quality for plant growth.
The answer is very complexe! In short, I would say if no organic matter and no microorganuisms, il's not a soil, it's inert. You need both to have water and plants. The links between organic matter, water and plants is what explain life. You miss one and it becoms a desert with time. Soil structure and aggregates give water retention capacity and air space. You need organic matter, mucus from microbes and liquid carbon from plants to reach that fertility in soils. Microbes, they are very important. You could use words like liquid carbon and soil fungy for searching. Micélium does great things! That is just part of the explanation.
Carbon farming and permaculture would give you some good answers too.
Pedology is a great science, and composting science is a must to understand a part of that complexity with nutrients.
Bacteria help in fixing atmospheric nitrogen and increase the nitrogen available for the plants. Bacteria decompose the decaying matter and increase the nutrient content. They also help in improving the texture and quality of the soil. Mycorrhizae are the symbiotic fungi that reside in roots of higher plants and increase soil fertility by nitrogen fixation. Microorganisms are essential to soil formation and soil ecology because they control the flux of nutrients to plants promote nitrogen fixation, and promote soil detoxification of inorganic and naturally occurring organic pollutants. Beneficial microbes improve plant growth by enhancing the availability of nutrients, the regulation of phytohormones, and increasing plant tolerance against stresses. PGPM act as biofertilizer, increasing macro and micronutrient availability Both plants and microorganisms obtain their nutrients from soil and change soil properties by organic litter deposition and metabolic activities, respectively. Microorganisms have a range of direct effects on plants through, e.g., manipulation of hormone signaling and protection against pathogens. To access these nutrients, plants are dependent on the growth of soil microbes such as bacteria and fungi, which possess the metabolic machinery to depolymerize and mineralize organic forms of N, P, and S.Microbes thrive under no-till conditions and winter cover crops. Cover crops and manure can be used to feed soil microbes and recycle soil nutrients. As soil microbes decompose organic residues, they slowly release nutrients back into the soil for the winter cover crops or for the preceding crop. Bacteria benefit from the plant nutrients provided by the roots, but plants can benefit from their rhizobacteria as well. Bacteria as Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are diverse and represent a wide range of phyla. Soil microorganisms are the most abundant of all the biota in soil and responsible for driving nutrient and organic matter cycling, soil fertility, soil restoration, and plant health and ecosystem primary production.
Living organisms play a crucial role in maintaining soil fertility. Here are some ways in which they contribute:
1. Decomposition: Soil organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and earthworms, break down organic matter, including dead plants and animals, into simpler compounds. This process, known as decomposition, releases essential nutrients back into the soil, making them available for uptake by plants.
2. Nutrient cycling: Soil organisms help in the cycling of nutrients by decomposing organic matter and releasing nutrients in forms that can be readily absorbed by plants. They convert organic nitrogen into inorganic forms like ammonium and nitrates, which can be used by plants as nutrients. Similarly, they convert organic phosphorus into inorganic phosphate, which is also vital for plant growth.
3. Soil structure improvement: Earthworms and other soil-dwelling organisms create tunnels and burrows as they move through the soil. These channels facilitate water infiltration, root growth, and nutrient movement. Their activities enhance soil aeration and improve the overall structure of the soil, making it more fertile and better suited for plant growth.
4. Symbiotic relationships: Many plants form symbiotic relationships with beneficial soil microorganisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi. These fungi colonize the plant roots and form a mutually beneficial association. They help plants in nutrient uptake, especially phosphorus, while receiving sugars and other compounds from the plants. This symbiotic relationship enhances the plant's ability to access nutrients, ultimately contributing to soil fertility.
5. Nitrogen fixation: Certain bacteria, such as Rhizobium, have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can utilize, a process known as nitrogen fixation. These bacteria form symbiotic associations with leguminous plants, such as soybeans, peas, and clover. By converting atmospheric nitrogen into plant-available forms, these bacteria contribute to increasing nitrogen levels in the soil, benefiting both the host plant and neighboring vegetation.
6. Pest and disease control: Soil organisms can help control pests and diseases that affect plants. For example, some bacteria and fungi present in the soil can suppress harmful pathogens through competition or by producing compounds that inhibit their growth. This natural biological control mechanism reduces the reliance on synthetic pesticides and promotes a healthier soil environment.
Overall, the presence and activities of diverse living organisms in the soil are essential for maintaining soil fertility. They contribute to nutrient cycling, soil structure improvement, nitrogen fixation, pest and disease control, and other vital processes that support plant growth and productivity.
Os organismos vivos desempenham o pepel crucial na decomposição de restos vegetais e animais, disponibilizando os nutrientes (calcio, ferro, nitrogênio, enxofre...) que são absorvidos pelos pelos radiculare das planta. neste sentido cabe destacar que as minhocas são os organismos que produzem o material mais estavel do solo, e mais rico no meio ionico.
Pode-se dizer também que bacterias (micorrizas) desempenham função na ficção do nitrogênio presente no ar no solo, atraves de processos de nitrificação.