20 July 2021 17 10K Report

My sample sizes are 41 and 12 respectively and are normally distributed, continuous data, and randomly selected. However the means for both sample sizes (I even did a combined sample of 41 and 12) are above the mean score that is being compared to. Both have a standard deviation of around 20. I am using SPSS. My data: administered a survey to two groups (two languages) and language one, 41 people replied and language two, 12 people replied. Thus, my first sample size is statistically significant and my second sample size is not.

I am comparing to a mean of 60 and the sample size of 41 yields a mean of 80 and the sample size of 12 yields a mean of 88. When running a one sample t test respectively on both sample sizes, my significance is < .05 which means H0 is rejected (means are the same in comparison to the compared value). Yet doing a two sample t test yields a significance that is > .05 which means H0 is accepted but this would not make sense since a two sample t test gives me a mean that is much higher than 60. Any advice on how to proceed with statistical analysis?

the two tailed/independent samples t test on SPSS tells me in the equal variances assumed row that the significance is > .05. The row beneath it is equal variances not assumed and there is no value for f or significance. To my understanding, if Levine's says significance > .05 I use equal variance assumed and that same significance is telling me that it is not significantly different to the mean value of 60 since it is > .05. This still does not make sense. In this case what am I concluding in respect to the mean value I am comparing my data to?

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