I am using his work as reference points in my dissertation and I am hoping not to run across any surprises during my defense. So far, I have only found criticism about how linear his work is.
It is good to hear from you that you are interested in Piaget's work. It is true that Piaget is often criticized, but it is also true that he is greatly misunderstood, mainly by North American psychologists. They generally do not read French, and many of Piaget's important books were not translated yet into English. I wonder whether you know a coauthored paper titled, In defense of Piaget's theory: A reply to 10 common criticisms, I published in 1996 in Psychological Review. Many developments still consider it to be a must in developmental psychology in general and in Piaget's theory in particular.
I am attaching a PDF file with the text of that paper. It is likely that you can see how many criticisms of Piaget's theory are ungrounded.
Thank you. I haven't read any American papers that criticized him. The American school systems embrace his theories. They are a large part of a teacher's and counselor's pedagogy. The professional tests required to become certified cover a great deal of his work. Thank you for your paper. I will surely read it as it will fit nicely into my defense of his theory into my defense of differential learning style by using play, art, dance, and music therapy in the K-12 classroom as teaching and management tools instead of using traditional discipline or punishment mechanisms as control over students. I though Piaget made valid points.