In Muslim-majority nations, before Ramadan, there is an event called 'citing the moon'; the authoritative body usually conducts this tradition to ensure the Ramadan moon has appeared and fasting is prescribed upon it. In Malaysia, it is called 'Melihat anak bulan Ramadan' - Can this event be considered astrotourism?
As for stargazing, does sitting down at the house porch witnessing and enjoying the bright stars and the perfect sky which we never found any hole or defect on considered astrotourism while it has been mentioned 1450 years ago:
And indeed, We adorned the lowest heaven with ˹stars like˺ lamps, and made them ˹as missiles˺ for stoning ˹eavesdropping˺ devils, for whom We have also prepared the torment of the Blaze (67:5)
It will ˹even˺ cause the sky to split apart. His promise ˹of judgment˺ must be fulfilled. (73:18)
The Al-Andalus scholars surpassed the learning legacy and, at its exceptional, ascribed the Quran as a significant source of reference. Unfortunately, due to Islamophobia after its fall in 1492, Europe tried to wipe out the legacy. Allah Knows Best.
There are several different cases. For example, in Portugal there are three certified destinations for Astrotourism, one of them being the first certified destination in the world as a Starlight destination. Depending on the destinations and their level of tourist structure, in addition to observing the darksky (stars, constellations, planets), there are complementary activities such as night walking trails, night canoeing, among other activities, always with observation of the night sky as a theme. Best regards