I propose that we are in a scientific dark age. I will address the painful specifics below. Those of you who know physics and/or medicine/biology, please do examine the numbered points below: 1. and 2. are physics; 3. and 4. are medicine/bio/physics. All thoughtful comments and solutions would be entirely appreciated. I have bread I wish to break, a meal of truth we may share.
You may enjoy the spending of my optimism. It appears that science is in many ways quite dishonest and specific in its intended obstructions.
I hypothesize as to the concealment of several hidden truths (see below). It is not possible to test them. It appears there is no way to advance past the restrictive paradigms, reputations and massive budgets of those in charge of orthodox views, and their supporters. Is science in a dark age?, and if not: Why can I not get the following investigated no matter how I try? It appears that reputation and associated paradigms are defended, while advancement and truth are left aside. What follows of physics, medical science and chemistry could affect millions of lives.
Physics [theory and practice]
Set up: Physics must answer the problems of our age in new ways. That means it must retool the existing models in order to gain new approaches. Those new approaches are indeed here, but they are dismissed with the wave of a hand. Quantum and relativistic theory must be reexamined, and sharpened:
Suppressed science:
1. Are the claims of clean burning fuel created from chemical waste and sewage true? I deeply suspect they are. If so, a new molecular species must be acknowledged: the magnecule. Magnecular bonds are weaker than valence bonds and allow new re-combinations of molecular constituents. The theory covers and corrects quantum chemistry and relativistic science, and extends to include some 15,000 pages of new math. The result: clean burning fuel which emits in some formulations, oxygen in the exhaust. Vehicles so equipped perform well, the fuel is cheap, made from waste and no catalytic converter is needed. Coal can be burned cleanly, diesel as well. This is the claim. A lab must test it. Free samples are offered. I believe, the oil companies have suppressed it. Personalities are painfully reactive in the wake of said suppression. Very unfortunate. All that must be left aside and the science objectively tested. This could solve pollution. Will you test it?
2. The neutron has been synthesized from an arc of current and hydrogen gas. Of course, this implies a complete turnaround for how the neutron is understood, which would then imply Rutherford’s model has indeed been right all along. This also implies several startling quantum theoretical adjustments (ask for the list), but much more importantly than theory, it MAY imply a way to rid us of nuclear waste by stimulated decay. From the theoretical calculations, it is hypothesized that this decay can be stimulated by bombarding the nucleus with so-called ‘resonant’ photons with an energy of 1.294 Mev. Under normal circumstances the probability of this interaction is extremely low. However, Santilli claims that there is a large resonance peak in the reaction cross-section (that is, the probability of the said interaction occurring) for incident photons with an energy of 1.294 Mev.
Medicine [history, theory and result]
Set up: Reputation and truth are often smeared to the worst result.
a. A sort of scientific tribunal headed by a man named Maddox destroyed the good reputation and health of Benveniste. However, those scientists with whom I am associated have repeated many times over, experiments directly akin to his, and indeed, those experiments are repeatable. Benveniste’s ideas have been proven right (see below). Maddox was wrong. This attempt to destroy science which could deprive Big Pharma of profit, is a disgrace to us all. Why will no one support this work, or pursue it?
b. I hypothesize with considerable supporting evidence, that cancer and a host of other diseases may be treated cheaply and safely and, that this method of cure has been purposively suppressed––for reasons of profit. ~7 million deaths a year hang in the balance of this accusation, just relating to cancer alone.
Suppressed science:
3. This paper holds the key to a possible new way to practice pharmacology and medicine:
It was all but impossible to publish, and even though I had a host of excellent highly credentialed scientists as coauthors, I had to publish it in a Chinese journal! Thank goodness for open access, and the scientists in China. PubMed told me directly, only studies their approved sources of funding pay for, is to be published there. The game is rigged. How to advance this science? Read the above linked paper, it could potentially change many lives.
4. Cancer and a host of other illnesses may be curable using a method long suppressed. As Nobel Laureate Montagnier approached a related avenue of scientific understanding, he was immediately ruined with lousy insults, simply for determining that biology is based on informational physics as interactive with aqueous systems. This insight is undoubtedly true, but all are ridiculed to advance here: cheap methods of cure using fields, aqueous systems and information theory seem to be forbidden. Perhaps, the absence of piles of money pouring from the pockets of the sick into the pockets of the rich is the reason? Yes…perhaps.
Thank you for reading and do let me know your thoughts: Are we in a scientific dark age? How might we bring light to the future?
––Rich Norman
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