We are about to get the necessary materials to do CLARITY with rat brains, and wonder if anyone else here has given it a shot. I figured this might be a good place to share any pitfalls we might come across, etc. I don't anticipate any problems at the moment, as the protocol is very clear and detailed. Very excited to be trying CLARITY out.

Here is a link to the CLARITY protocol: http://clarityresourcecenter.org/

Chung, K., J. Wallace, S.-Y. Kim, S. Kalyanasundaram, A. S. Andalman, T. J. Davidson, J. J. Mirzabekov, K. A. Zalocusky, J. Mattis, A. K. Denisin, S. Pak, H. Bernstein, C. Ramakrishnan, L. Grosenick, V. Gradinaru, and K. Deisseroth. 2013. Structural and molecular interrogation of intact biological systems. Nature advance online publication (April). http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature12107.html

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