I have searched Angiotensin II receptor 1 and Vimentin in my protein database (please see file; HepG2 fucoidan; 13 serum, 5 liver tissues, Hc and HepG2 cells).
Only one liver HCC tissue with PBC (female) has Vimentin at 11.5 μg/mg of tissue protein. But, other two HCC tissues do not have it. This tissue uniquely has Genome polyprotein (Foot-and-mouth disease virus/FMDV) at 15.1 μg/mg of tissue protein. Therefore, the gene expression of Vimentin seems to be upregulated by FMDV.
Serum of Gait disorder (32y, female; with biotin deficiency) has Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2/ACEH at 6.4 μg/mg of serum protein. This serum has Probable spermine synthase (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) at 5.5 μg/mg of serum protein.
Serum of 1y girl (with biotin deficiency) has Angiotensin-converting enzyme/ACE at 7.5 μg/mg of serum protein. This serum has UPF0189 protein Rv1899c/MT1950 (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) at 7.9 μg/mg of serum protein.
Other two serum with biotin deficiency have no ACE proteins.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis seems to induce such circulation-related proteins. Serum of 1y4mo (healthy) has C-1-tetrahydrofolate synthase, cytoplasmic/C1-THF synthase at 8.0 μg/mg of serum protein and has Probable protein-export membrane protein secG (Mycobacterium tuberculosis)at 11.5 μg/mg of serum protein. Serum of same girl (1y11mo) has Ras-interacting protein 1 at 4.0 μg/mg of serum protein and Acetolactate synthase (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) at 3.0 μg/mg of serum protein. Serum of GSD1b (32y, female) has ATP synthase subunit gamma, mitochondrial/ATP5C1 at 3.11 μg/mg of serum protein and has Ornithine carbamoyltransferase/OTC (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) at 2.6 μg/mg of serum protein. Therefore, Mycobacterium tuberculosis seems to induce the exclusion of CEA and circulation-related proteins into blood from organs.
By the way, ACE has Km = 2.51 mM for Hip-His-Leu. Then, this enzyme may be working as a dimer (Mr 350,000) at 0.25 mM of Angiotensin in the blood (please see file; The Fascio effect).