I am researching effective C&S systems that are used across the defense industry and would appreciate any information or resources. Information does not have to be defense related. Thank you.
Can you explain a little bit more about your problem?
Are you studying and solving a problem with maximization of profit as the objective? Literature on resource constraint project scheduling may help you. See: http://download.springer.com/static/pdf/408/bok%253A978-3-642-48397-4.pdf?auth66=1421916870_227ba7977faa9ac01efe99f02f830947&ext=.pdf
I explored all economic indicators for the industrial sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2006 do 2013 . I got the Incredible data . At the level of BiH mining sector generates more expenses than revenues for the observed year . The same goes for the energy sector . Only the manufacturing sector occasionally had bigger income than expenses . Said first two sectors are monopolists and under protectorate state money to make profits . However , Bosnia and Herzegovina is an example of transition economies . On these indicators influence policies of privatization and bankruptcy . I collected data on the Business Management from all of these sectors . What exactly are you interested ???