, Have you ever run into problems with the SySy rabbit c-fos antibody? We recently started using it, and had excellent staining on our first try (at 1:1000, 1:5000, or 1:10000) but have not been able to replicate it. Instead we get essentially no signal. We're at a loss as to why.
The antibody was reconstituted in 50mL ddH2O, aliquoted, and stored at -20C, as instructed; is yours stored in the same way?
I’ve been using the sysy at 1:500 recently and it seems to work well. A colleague tried 1:1000 and said it did not work well. I store mine diluted 50% with glycerol at -20. Could make a difference, but I doubt it.
Ethan Michael Anderson Thank you! I should clarify-- Are you using it for DAB or immunofluorescence? We are using it for immunofluorescence, and the manufacturer site shows 1:5000 staining, so 1:500 would seem surprisingly low.
Yes, I'm using 226 003, which is rabbit, and 226 004 is guinea pig. This is still very helpful to know about their guinea pig antibody!
As an update to my previous comment, we were able to get staining again and I believe the issue was our concentration (1:5000 seems to work), but we also saw unusual staining of processes in the tissue, so we're in contact with the manufacturer and continuing to troubleshoot.