Dear all, we need a procedure to rapid drying plant materials from field or greenhouse experiments to rapidly denaturing enzymes, kills micro-organism and stabilizes the tissues. On one hand we want harvest hundreds of plants and cut it immediately into several parts (leaves, stems, ears and so on) in a short time to avoid changes in daily sequence of metabolic processes. Drying over days in compartment dryer at 105°C or airing cabinet at 60-75 °C for 24 or more hours is not possible because we would need too much for 100 or more plant sample daily. On the other we want determine the dry matter and analyze the content of nitrogen, carbohydrates and other compounds in it after drying without losses. Which power rating (watts) can you recommend, which sample size, when a constant weight will be achieved: 5 minutes, 10 minutes or how many? Have published your experiences with simple domestic microwave ovens anywhere? Commercially microwave ovens are to expansive for us in the moment. Thanks for your answers, regards Petra