Hello everyone,

I routinely do tomography on 90nm resin sections (HM20 lowicryl) of embedded Arabidopsis root tips collected on forever filmed slot grids.

With one block in particular I am having the following issue : 

When I acquire images, the image seems distorted in one direction. Astigmatism comes to mind at first, but their is none. It's only when I decrease the integration time of the camera (4k x 4k eagle bottom mounted camera) that the image seems to go back to normal. Unfortunately the electron dose is also decreased thus embedding on the quality of the image (which I can compensate by focusing the beam more).

My second suspicion was that the sample was drifting but it appears not to be the case.

Have any of you already experienced something similar ? I am thinking of maybe excess charges accumulating on my grid. If you do, how have you fixed it, other than switching blocks (only have one in this condition and the preservation is sadly very good :-( )



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