03 March 2016 5 5K Report

Hello, I am doing my MSc thesis research about Eurasian nightjar in Slovenia. I want to analyse the habitat around playback points. I will take a buffer of 400 m and each point and compare the different types of habitats (meadow, shrubs, woodland,...). The problem is my points are sometimes less than 800 m apart so I get a zone where the two buffers overlap. Can I arbitrary decide that I will exclude the points which buffers overlap more than 10 % (of the total surface area of the 400 m buffer) and include ones that overlap less than this amount? There will still be a problem of psuedoreplication but can I ignore it? Should I take less, 5 % per example? 

The buffers look like this: http://oi67.tinypic.com/1678m6g.jpg

Best regards,


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