Unwanted base pair insertions/detetions!

This is an age old story with this cloning journey for one particular plasmid ~15kB with a CMV promotor. I get unique base single base pair deletions/insertions that I am pretty sure are happening during bacterial replication, not as a result of a bad ligation, etc.


-E.Coli DH5a competant cells and heat shock transformation.

-In several stages of cloning, of 6 screened bacterial colonies, all differ by base insertion/deletion, different location in every clone, breaking my reading frame and rendering the construct useless.

Most recently, I screen a clone (12) and confirmed the sequence of my cDNA is 100% correct and there is just 1 moleular species present.

I want more material, so I go to my agar plate with the streaked bacterial colony of clone 12 use this to innoculate my LB + antibiotic. I grow for 2 days at 30' as it the plasmid is large (15 kB) and I worry a bit toxic to the cells.

After miniprepping this culture, sequencing reveals a new base deletion in my protein that didn't exist in the original parent cDNA.

-Any tips? I have tried growing at 37' for 16 hours, 2 days for 30', leaving it a room temp for a day to start and THEN putting in 30', but I'm not sure what else to try and need to produce more of this construct one way or another.

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