I am running a GA to optimise a few parameters for a stochastic model. It is my first time using GAs so this question is probably basic, but still intriguing. As the GA runs, the overall best fitness improves, but sometimes the best of the best occurs in the middle of the process. If I have a population size of 20 and run the GA for say 50 generations, should I look at just that time where the model had great fitness in generation 25 or should I also look at the most frequent combinations of parameters that "survived" until the final population of 20.

Most of the times the parameter combinations that survive are similar to the best solution, but when they are not, what should I value more, considering the outcome is stochastic? Let's say the best solution found along the way says a parameter should be 3, but then 17 out of 20 models in the final generation have a value of 5. Should I even consider the 5 instead of the 3?

Thank you!

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