Well let's use a common general solution thought up or at least named after Pascal,
Called Pascal's Triangle it represents a general solution to quadratic equations.
Essentially you build a triangle Like this
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
Each layer of the triangle is a general solution for taking (a+b) and raising it to the power of the layer number. Layer numbering starts at 0.
To generate the next layer, you always start with a 1, and add the two numbers directly above in the layer above to get the number that you will situate between them on the new line. and of course you always end with 1.
Each number represents the co-efficient of a term in the quadratic at that power.
Each term starting at the left, has it's A portion raised to the power of the row, and starts with it's B term raised to the 0 th power. As you progress across the row, you decrement the power of the A portion of the term and increment the power of the B, until the last term has its A term raised to the 0th power, and the B term at the power of the row.
To find the specific solution for any (a+b)^n simply trace down to the Nth row, and using the rules, form your equation. It has been shown that this works in the set of all Quadratic Equations.
Currently, I am working in a new mathematical notation, (I came up with myself) and of course there is no general solution... yet, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like one, I get numerical fatigue easily, and burn out at about 3 pages of scribbling.