Dear colleagues

When computing the Fuzzy Entropy measure, most works use an Exponential fuzzy function. Yet, there are two deviations between the works.

Some use the term


so the power 'n' goes to the numerator only, while other works use


so the power 'n' goes to the whole fraction.

Which one is the correct?

Relevant works are the following, where the issue appears

--Chen, W., Wang, Z., Xie, H., & Yu, W. (2007). Characterization of surface EMG signal based on fuzzy entropy. IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 15(2), 266-272.

--Chen, W., Zhuang, J., Yu, W., & Wang, Z. (2009). Measuring complexity using fuzzyen, apen, and sampen. Medical engineering & physics, 31(1), 61-68.

--Azami, H., Li, P., Arnold, S. E., Escudero, J., & Humeau-Heurtier, A. (2019). Fuzzy entropy metrics for the analysis of biomedical signals: Assessment and comparison. IEEE Access, 7, 104833-104847.

--Xiang, J., Li, C., Li, H., Cao, R., Wang, B., Han, X., & Chen, J. (2015). The detection of epileptic seizure signals based on fuzzy entropy. Journal of neuroscience methods, 243, 18-25.

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