8 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lazaros Moysis
Dear colleagues To find coexisting attractors in a chaotic system, I use the continuation diagram. Here in each iteration, the initial conditions x(0) for the chaotic system are set as the final...
08 August 2023 8,314 5 View
I want to generate a spectrogram for a given song in Matlab, segmented at 1 second intervals, with 50% overlap. I want to reproduce the results of a paper, which suggests computing the spectrogram...
14 March 2023 1,008 7 View
I am interested to know how the integral term in the PID control can be realized with mechanical components. For example: -- The proportional term corresponds to a spring. -- The derivative term...
27 December 2022 7,144 4 View
Dear colleagues When computing the Fuzzy Entropy measure, most works use an Exponential fuzzy function. Yet, there are two deviations between the works. Some use the term exp(-dij^n/r) so the...
01 December 2022 3,958 1 View
Dear colleagues. Considering that ASCII characters take range from 32 to 127, so we need 7 bits to represent each character, what is the highest theoretical value of information entropy for a...
02 November 2021 6,232 5 View
Dear colleagues I want to ask, where can I obtain the original versions of classic photos that are traditionally used for image encryption? Examples include the Lenna figure, vegetables, baboon,...
17 July 2020 10,075 3 View
I am having trouble in understanding the aim of HAART treatment in HIV patients.Some papers mention that the viral load should be
22 April 2016 3,907 8 View
I want to implement a zero order hold method to a second order system of the usual form$$ w^2 / (s^2 +2zw*s + w^2)$$Where 'w' is the natural frequency of the system and 'z' the damping ratio.How...
25 April 2015 2,981 3 View