Stories abound from educators worldwide that are facing transition by choice or default. Many say they have returned to school to obtain certificates in technology, coaching, curriculum design, sales, corporate training, etc.  However, they have also been advised by HR that they do not have the prescribed years of experience in that particular area for hire. BOOM!

One educator with 20 years of classroom service wanted to know if there was any specific professional development program focusing on teachers-in-transition.  Most are wrestling with a host of circumstances and emotions as they begin to navigate the unknown. 

Is there any research on how former teachers are faring in their efforts to enter the workforce beyond?  Value they offer, limitations they may face? 

Is business and industry interested in engaging this growing population? 

What suggestions might you offer former teachers in their efforts to establish a sustainable livelihood beyond classroom teaching and/or education altogether? (Tutoring, textbook and testing companies noted.)

Thank you for contributing to this critical topic.

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