For Wireless network layout what more to be considered ?
- ISA 100.11A 2011 (IEC 62734) Standard to refer.
- for layout thinking of radio waves same as light is accurate much of the time. Thats why Wireless network depends on LOS (line of Sight)
-Metallic objects and its shape (surface angle) affects radio propogation like visible light
- Mount Antennas vertically high enough(20 to 30Mtrs) to have unobstructed radio propogation (1Mtrs horizontal clear space)
-Fresnel Zone is the elliptical space formed bet. Two antennas. Longer the distance, larger the dia of the ellipse. This elliptical space should be unobstructed to avoid signal attunation
-wireless Gateways is the end-point of the network (where wired network hooksup to wireless)
-Routers serve as relay points. Gathering data from wireless feild devices and passing to gateway wireless
-Avoid Need of Meshing device to device as sending signal bet. Multiple feild slows down and drains battery of wireless self powered devices
- Mount gateways and routers as high as possible (sky mesh)
-use antenna extension where the above does is not possible -Routers in high position can reach down to communicate with feild devices closer to ground. Practical coverage 90 deg to 100 deg cone with router on cone's apex
- evaluation of wireleas network are by two common measures
1.BER Bit Error Rate - requires dedicated softwares in each components (feild device, routers and gate ways)
2.PER Packet Error Rate can be done during normal communication. The most important indicator is determining how often the packet get through correctly the first time. PER lower the better. lower PER lower the latency and higher the reliability.