Fast & easily search and sometimes freely accessible from Internet or university's eLibrary (if you are ICT / Internet savvy)
Save storage space whereby those huge online resources can be saved into your notebook / thumb drive / hard disk with minimal storage space & at a fraction of costs vs those hardcopy that can stack up from the floor to ceiling
Easier retrieval of the read articles & find the words or paragraphs that you need to cite etc.
Usually fairly new vs printed hardcopy that takes time to publish
Lower cost per copy vs printed hardcopy due to no printing & shipping costs
Strengths of Printed Resources:
Good for very old but classic journal articles, historial books etc.which were not available online during that time (but now there are some initiatives taking place to digitize them)
To some people easier to read & understand as well as can scribble on it.
Still available for readership in printed hard copy even though after power cut, notebook battery died down, Internet & Intranet unavailability etc.