25 December 2020 3 973 Report


I use YASARA (version 17.8.15) on windows 10 and recently I am trying to install FoldX plugin on YASARA. Here is what I did:

1. Download YASARA plugin for windows (and the executable and rotabase file) from FoldX website, unzip, copy and paste all files into YASARA\plg folder.

2. Install python from YASARA help>install menu.

3. Load a random PDB into YASARA, and click Analyze>FoldX>Configure Plugin, select the location of foldx.exe and rotabase.txt.

4. Run Analyze>Foldx>Repair object, and it shows the following error message:

"Cannot read FoldX output. Make sure you have set the correct FoldX file locations in Analyze > FoldX > Configure plugin".

I have checked the "foldx.cnf" file to make sure the directories of foldx.exe and rotabase.txt is correct. I also tried uninstall and install python again but it didn't work, still showing the same error message.

If anyone knows any possible solutions, please let me know. I am very appreciated for your help. Thanks!

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