1 ton charcoal fixes 3,7 t CO2. The global charcoal production is 54 mio tons, in which 200 mio t CO2 are fixed. 200 times the currently produced charcoal will fix the entire CO2 emitted globally per year!!! CO2 emission about 30 bln t per year: means this will be fixed in 10 bln t charcoal.

The entire annually CO2 can be fixed in a volume 2,7 km * 2,7 km*2,7 km and could be dumped in e.g. open pit mining sites where the coal was exploited (give it back).

Rapid growing biomass may be used. Charcoal production cost may be assumed the in the order of 200$ per ton, results in an annual investment of 2000 bln $ globally. THIS IS THE SAME AS WHAT ARE MILITARY WEAPON EXPENDITURES.

This is possible...in principle!

Please tell me where I am wrong in my rough brainstorming.

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