Maybe remark of article alternative.

I wrote a few years ago article (in Slovak) trying to adapt the rebound effect (RE) analysed very often in the energy and material field on the marketing decision process.

I am recently working on a survey aiming to find if there could be a benefit for fast fashion (FF) producers to participate actively in second-hand markets, swap, upcycling, and other alternative fashion processes.

Looking at FF impact on the market seems to me as a very traditional RE. If the rebound principle is included in the textile and fashion purchase decision, "sustainability" education will fail their goals massively.

The question is how to prove the RE impact of FF offer? I can imagine using statistical data by traditional market (1970) and new market (2000) with change analysis in the different price range. As a citizen of the post-communist country, I have no relevant data about pre FF markets.

Are there other alternatives how to prove the rebound effect by customer decision about clothes and textile purchase?

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