In light of the following questions, What are your thoughts on the nexus between a country‘s system of governance and its commitments to Climate Action; what insights can we reveal from a comparative Study of China, Russia, and the United States?
1. How does the absence of democratic systems in China and Russia influence the level of public pressure and governmental responsiveness to climate action compared to democratic systems like the United States?
2. Is there a discernible correlation between a country's system of governance and its commitment to climate action across the globe, particularly in developing countries compared to developed economies?
3. How do different governance systems affect nations' compliance with international collaborations and agreements aimed at addressing climate change collectively?
4. How does a country’s system of governance shape its geopolitical stance regarding the IPCC’s evidence on phasing-out fossil fuels and its response to conflicting scientific evidence?
5. What influence do fossil fuel interests wield in sustaining non-democratic regimes and obstructing global superpowers' efforts towards climate action?
6. In light of contemporary geopolitical issues such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict and China's reassessment of coal phase-out, how do these events impact the dynamics between non-democratic systems, democracy, and climate action?
7. To what extent do electoral politics and campaign rhetoric impact climate policies in both non-democratic and democratic regimes?
8. What insights can be gleaned from successful climate initiatives within democratic societies to promote climate action within non-democratic regimes?
9. What role can intergovernmental organizations play in influencing the continuity or emergence of environmentally friendly governance structures worldwide?