Maths exam: 98/100 or 52/100 (possible)

The above scores tell us that yes, maths answers are either right or, yes you guessed it right, wrong! So as far as assesment of maths answers is concerned, teachers cannot get it wrong.

But lets try to venture out into science, literature etc. Generally our examination systems try to match the student answer to a pre-determined answer which the teacher has in mind.

Original ideas or trails of thought which the student uses in his answers are not dug into. And that is what is important but that is rarely dived into. I think each candidate should be shown his answer sheet after marking and should be discussed with the student. It will give an insight into how he thinks and probably score more based on his originality rather than reproducing material which matches with the so called 'correct' answer, if there is one!

Looking forward to your thoughts, please!

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