I'm looking for examples or just ideas about how to even roughly quantify the complexity and/or difficulty of manufacturing and maintaining two different products.

There is a school of thought in environmental discourse that believes in a coming "simplification" or even collapse of modern civilization, following e.g. Joseph Tainter's studies about how societies have shedded their more complex interactions as a response to reduced energy supply. One of the central tenets of this school of thought is that some products are just too complex to be produced if society "de-complexifies." However, to me it seems that this school of thought categorizes products quite arbitrarily to those that are deemed too complex and those that are deemed "appropriate technologies" etc.

Is anyone aware of any attempts at quantifying these complexities? I'm aware of Harvard's Atlas of Economic Complexity (http://atlas.cid.harvard.edu/), but to me it seems that these rankings do not really tell much about actual complexity of manufacturing or maintaining the products listed.

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