Professor Zhang Weiying, who is the most famous economist in China, said that every entrepreneur is a social entrepreneur, and every entrepreneur is improving society!
No. There is too much emphasis on increasing businesses in order to promote capitalism. Eventually this will lead to saturation of our economies, and a decline in capitalism which is not a bad thing anyway. There are many businesses out there that provide goods and or services that are of extremely limited value to our societies, many of which eventually fail with disastrous consequences for those involved. You only have to watch the Dragons Den programme to see that some people have crazy unworkable ideas that cannot/ will not enhance our economy and or improve society.
We need to move away from an economic model of unbridled entrepreneurialship to one where there is an increased component of providing community services as well as allowing capitalist businesses. Included, It should not be an attitude of unlimited profit for its own sake, eg Buffet, Gates, Bezos, Musk etc, but profit that makes owners sustainable but who can then in turn give back to society. Unless there is more community and societal awareness, and a need to support those who are disadvantaged, capitalism will eventually fail. Moreover, those multi billionaires cannot take their money with them. Many of these men are extremely selfish, uncaring people, who do not contribute to society. What is the value of having huge yachts, helicopters, houses in many different countries, etc, except to enhance the ego wants / demands of narcissists? Prof Zhang Weiying is viewing the world through rose tinted glasses.
No. Small Business Entrepreneurship, Scalable Start-up Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship and Large Company Entrepreneurship are very different from each other, with respect to the impact on a human society.
Social entrepreneurship is a new, innovative business venture that influences change. A social entrepreneur has a specific cause that they care about, and they develop a business model around making a positive impact. The main goal is to create lasting social change through business.
A social entrepreneur is primarily motivated by a desire to alleviate some kind of systemic social or cultural problem, dear Fairtown Zhou Ayoungman
Helping, fixing and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul. Rachel Naomi Remen