India’s Green House Gas emissions calculation of livestock specifically enteric fermentation. These queries are related to -

• Methodology used to calculate emission from livestock in India

• What are the parameters used to calculate emissions from livestock – considering different - sub category of cattle and buffalo, breed, non-descript animals, feeding practices and rearing practices across India

• Emission factors – how are these arrived at for different cattle and buffalo breed including non-descript, what were the formula and sub formula used

• Details of various parameters used in the above formula and sub formula to arrive at the emission factor for each category

• Details of any model that is currently being used for emission factor estimation

• State wise enteric fermentation data for the last five years based on the emission factors currently used

• Activity Data – details of the activity data used to calculate the enteric fermentation

• How are we calculating emission for different rearing practices, stall fed, stall fed and grazing, grazing or pastoral and their details

• How are we calculating emission for the non-descript cattle and buffalo

• Are we factoring in the draught power in the emissions

• What are the factors contributing to the Uncertainty as per BUR3, what are the ongoing efforts to reduce these uncertainty

• Details of GHG inventory improvement practices adopted by the country

• Details of the effects of adaptation and mitigation actions related to productivity improvements in the livestock sector is adopted to estimate GHG emissions and its sustainability

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