Hi, i am looking for some recent papers in electroporation of zebra fish embryos. Most of the papers are dated back to 2009-10. Is there any reason that no one worked on this after that ?
I think it is much easier to simply inject the egg with your construct and just wait for a day to embryo with the effects of the construct. I did electroporation in older and adult fish but in general with beter constructs and Cas9 being so readilly available there is simply far less need for electroporation of the early ebmryo. The survaval rate with injection and electroporation are also expected to be much less than with injection only. You might only need with some tough to transfect construct that just dosn't work otherwise.
Anton Lennikov Thank you for your answer. I have another question. My team tried electroporation of zebra fish embryos with BTX Electroporation Electro Cell Fusion System but did not get any results. In one paper, it is mentioned that these devices used for mammalian cells do not work for fish eggs. My question is why these devices are not compatible?