Can anyone tell or clarify that is there any effect of bone density over the range of motion of spine ? ROM will increase, decrease or remain constant?
Hi. From the mechanical point of view, bone (itself) has a much larger stiffness than other surrounding soft tissues. It could therefore be considered as almost rigid body. As such, there should be no effect on the motion range. If there was a link between bone density and motion range, my guess would be that bone density influences the surrounding tissues like ligament for example and make them stiffer or softer which in turn would have an effect on the motion range of the articulated structure. But maybe the biological aspects are playing a role that you should investigate. Regards.
Not sure if this is a mechanical or biological question. From biological point of view, there are few pathological conditions that bone density can affect spinal flexibility and motions most notably spondylosis and soteoarthritis.
Osteoporosis also due to pathological fractures can limit the motion of vertebrae.