Hi everyone!

I spent lots of time to implement DEKF for battery state and parameters estimation simultaneously. However, I need your help! I will be grateful for any your advice.

I use the standard Li-ion battery model with the following state parameters: SOC and two voltages (V1 and V2) corresponding to two RC-branches. The observe equation is

y(k) = OCV(SOC(k)) - V1 - V2 - R0*i(k).

I use current as control.

Parameters are R0, exp(-deltat/R1*C1), R1*(1-exp(-deltat/R1*C1)), exp(-deltat/R2*C2), R2*(1-exp(-deltat/R2*C2)).

I calculated derivatives (Jacobian matrix) for parameters estimation recursively.

Unfortunately, I did not obtain good estimation results for R0 estimation.The problems that I managed to find: parameters covariance matrix updated noticeably during prediction step only; when current is equal to zero, estimated R0 has big noises in these iterations (please, see attached pictures).

The only solution that I found now: predict parameters not in the form of

theta(k+1)- = theta(k)+ 

but in the form of

theta(k+1)- = alpha*theta(k)+ + (1-alpha)*p, where p is expected parameter value based on mathematical model, alpha is tuning coefficient, unfortunately, I do not understand, how to obtain p in my model or any other because we do not have the explicit mathematical model for params estimation.

Could anyone help me find mistake in my inferences, please? Or provide useful articles where this problem is already solved? I will be very grateful for any advice which will help to find a solution.

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