01 January 1970 29 3K Report

Hi all

As we know the drag force applied to a cylinder in flow is included by 2 parts: friction part and pressure part.

1- In bluff body (like infinite cylinder) the pressure portion in total drag is stronger than friction portion. when you increase Re from 10 to 20 the separation is occured in a lower angle than Re=10.





So the pressure drop will be more and drag increased.

but when you see the drag coefficient diagram (*) you can see that the drag coef. decreases with increasing Re. Why?

(*): https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=imgres&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiF5v_Lm9vcAhWLLVAKHSopBUUQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fscienceworld.wolfram.com%2Fphysics%2FCylinderDrag.html&psig=AOvVaw0lQvyxrz0Pvw1GtN_8Ohu2&ust=1533740728228523

2- Is it correct that the pressure is constant in wake region and its value is equal to the pressure value in separation point? if yes, why my data didn't show that? in the literature you can see that the pressure will be constant after separation:


but my pressure distribution around cylinder in Re=10, 20 aren't like those diagrams! why?

3- How is the velocity and pressure distribution in a line which is started from a point in the center of a vortex (at the back of cylinder) to outside of that?


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