I have seen papers in some high impact factor journals that were never cited nor downloaded or purchased. The fact that they are in high impact Journal does it automatically mean they are good research?
There are two sides of the coin. Some high impact journals (ISI or IBSS) did published high rated papers but also poorly structured research papers. Poorly structured means not good arguments or critically engaged of the author(s) of the paper. You can publish a paper of cutting edge research but is not cited. It is all about your scholarly community who are most interest in your paper. They will cite it in their work because it is applicable and relevant to their research. It is the lens or perspective you are looking at the paper when you cite the work.High impact means that how other scholars view your work and found it applicable, relevant, valuable and is of interest to their specific field of study.
Thanks Michael however there seem to be a fuss about impact factor as though it means that your paper is quality. I belief the quality of the paper quality assures itself. Quality is quality