Expressions such as : "getting out of your comfort zone", "refusing to quit the comfort zone"... are more and more used in French media.
The expression "zone de comfort" existed since some time in French, but it seems to me that it recently gain more popularity.
New trends in expressions don't usually bother me, but the concept of "comfort zone" is far from being neutral. At least in France, it is commonly used in the context of the workplace, as a way to promote "flexibility", "proactivity", "goal driven" and various other fuzzy concepts.
Since managers and HR actively support "leaving the confort zone", I wondered what was supporting this idea. I was a bit surprised to be unable to find any serious source on the topic of leaving the comfort zone.
Moreover, I wasn't able to find any clear definition of the so called comfort zone (business books do not provide clear definitions).
This bugged me a little, since the wording "comfort zone" somewhat sounds like a legitimate concept in psychology.
So if some fellow researcher have an idea of the precise meaning of "comfort zone" I would be very grateful.